Thursday, November 20, 2014

A BIG Surprise Sister Wright is Coming Home

November 20th is the day our sweet Abby came home from her mission, 1 week shy of 5 months. She plans on returning as soon as possible. We are so blessed to have her home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and feel of her love and testimony of the Saviour. She loves the people of England and can't wait to return to teach them about the gospel.
 We will scoop her up in our arms and squeeze her tight so she knows we love her!! We will pause from this blog until she returns to her mission.

Posters that Sophia and Livy made
to welcome Sister Wright home.

Sophia and Nan at the airport

Livy is excited to see Sister Wright

A few of the family waiting to see Sister Wright

Our first view of her coming
down the escalator

Abby running to hug Sophia

Sophia waited four days to give her HERO
a BIG  hug

Hug from Nan

Sisters reunited

The name Abigail means Fathers Joy, and she truly
fits that description

Another HUG
That smile....That top knot

Fresh from London- tired but still smiling

Her mission name tag- my favorite!

The 3 Amigos with Sister Wright's mission
name tags on!

The welcoming crew, minus Tonna.
She came just after this picture.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We Love Sister Jordan!! Another Tender Mercy

Abby made a trip to London on Tuesday to a training for the New Sister Missionaries. It was supposed to be their 3 week training but ended up being 5 week.
Sister Jordan posted this fun picture on her instagram. We love that she is so good to post pictures of our missionary.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Norwich. Is. COLD!!! Norwich week 13

Hey mum and dad!!

Sorry I combined your emails this week cause we don't have a lot of time to write. We went to base again today!! It was so great! :) I couldn't take the smile off my face just looking at all the American things!! haha funny right? I never want to leave England but I miss the American things! After that we tag teamed as a district and cut each others hair! Mine is shorter, but the blonde is finally GONE!!

and it does grow a lot faster here, I think it is because I use the perfect 10 stuff and take biotin every night and morning! So to answer your questions, the forest from the pictures is pretty close to where we live, our area is HUGE so we have to take a bus to go everywhere cause it's too long to walk, but it's all in the area. Our week has been really great! We are teaching 3 Chinese girls; L, J, and M. They are so great! They recognize the feelings of peace and joy that come from the spirit as they attend church, read the Book of Mormon, and pray. They are really busy because they are attending UEA (University of East Anglia) but they are making time for learning and reading which is good! We are also working with a family called the D's. They are moving really slowly. The mum doesn't love learning about the church but the daughter, Sophie, (cool huh?!) is interested and is reading the temple magazine and Alma 40, so hopefully things will progress with the rest of the family. Also, let me tell you about Petya. She is the one who tagged me in the picture of insta. First of all, we LOVE HER!!!!! She is so incredible. The Sisters have been teaching her for about a year. Because of her situation at home she can't come to church or be baptised but she loves learning about the church and is very open minded. She comes with lots of questions when we meet with her which we love and she calls us every night and every morning to say a prayer together! She is from Bulgaria but has lived here for quite a while. Anyway, she reads the blog and now follows my mission insta!! haha she was showing them to me last time we met it was pretty funny! :) But yes, she is great and we love her!! :) She told me that she posted the picture on insta and tagged me and I said, "Oh you will be hearing from my family soon!" and she said, "I figure I will, Im excited too!" So good thing you wrote her! :) I do know Sister Mahaffey, I met her when she came into the field with Sister Schumann! And I will actually see her tomorrow at the new missionary meeting, I will give her a HUGE hug from her mum and tell her that she loves her! :) If there is anything else you want me to tell her, tell me in the next 20 minutes and I will. :) It was the 100 anniversary of WWI and last week at church they had a really moving video presentation that had members talking who had served in the war and how it related to scriptures in the Book of Mormon. It was really emotional! We are allowed to wear poppies until the 11th, I had one but I lost it somewhere :( hopefully I can buy another one so I can keep it! Geraldine is doing amazing! She is the sweetest! The spirit in her home is one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced. She loves the Lord so much and she is doing everything in her power to continue to do what is right and serve him. It is amazing to see how the gospel really can change lives, including my own. We have an hour and a half to email each p-day and yes we do email President Jordan every week! It is really cool, he also sends out an email to all of us every week. We are emailing from the church today, but most of the time it is from the Library, it really just depends whatever is most convenient. So like I said earlier, tomorrow is the 3-week missionary meeting, like the one I went to after being out 3 weeks, except its more like the 5-week missionary meeting cause they have been out longer than 3 weeks! haha But we actually get to go into London for that!!! It will be so fun! Norwich is so great but I love London, mostly just cause it's London, if that makes sense. ha
So to help with your lesson... first of all. I have a testimony of prayer. I know that without it I would be nothing. I couldn't imagine not being able to talk to my heavenly father every night, or really everytime I need something. I find myself saying prayers in my head a lot, almost constantly through out the day, because I know that this work cannot be done without his hand. My favourite thing about prayer is in the Bible Dictionary. It is the paragraph that starts with something about how when we come to understand our relationship with God prayer becomes instinctive. However, the whole paragraph is amazing and holds so many truths!! One recent example of prayer is when we were teaching the Chinese girls. They are just starting to learn about God and how he works, we invited one of them to say the closing prayer and it was the most sincere prayer I have ever heard in my life. They are so grateful just for a knowledge of him and pray so sincerely to him. I know that we can all learn from that!
Dad, thank you for the talks and the priesthood line! That will help so much! I love you lots!!
Anyway, we have to run but I love you both so much!!!
I love you to the moon and back infinity times,
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Love you!!

Car ride to the Air Force Base included some picture taking

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

It's NO "Trick" I have been out 4 months!! Norwich week 12

Hello mum!!!

This week has been great as always! As I'm sure you guessed or figured out by now today is our p-day because we had interviews yesterday! Because we are so far away from London instead of going to London, President and Sister Jordan come up here so they were at the Norwich chapel! They are both so amazing and I feel so blessed to serve with them! Sister Jordan gave an amazing training on knowing the Saviour. It was INCREDIBLE!!! But I will start with answering your questions:
Trunk or treat was lots of fun!! We didn't get to dress up, but all us missionaries switched tags then tried to act like each other, it was actually pretty funny and the ward got a kick out of it! I was Elder Mortensen, Sister Schumann was Elder Darrington, Elder Brunstad was himself cause he was really sick. Elder Mortensen was Elder Johnson, and best of all, Elder Darrington was Sister Schumann and Elder Johnson was me!! haha I think there are some pictures, I don't know if you can read the name tags but I hope my explanation makes sense! Sister Schumann and I bought some candy to hand out so that was fun! I have no idea why the pictures aren't working, I figured you would rather have me email them to you rather than take the time and try to figure out the camera in case I couldn't get it to work and then you didn't get any, I will try again today but if they don't work I will just email them again! Yes we carved pumpkins for last p-day and we usually do things as a district on p-day cause our district is awesome!! But if it just Sister Schumann and I we decide together, I love being a trainer but really it is just to help her and to serve her, I don't take any authority over our companionship or anything like that. I think this is how the Saviour would want it to be done. We have done a little tracting and more street finding! I still like street finding more, but tracting isn't too bad. I am doing wonderful and yes my shoes are holding up!! I bought a pair of brown ankle boots here and that is what I wear most of the time, just cause I don't want my feet to get cold in flats and it isn't pouring rain enough for rain boots. But the flats were used a lot when it was warmer! No news on the General Authority, but the Zone Leaders say that he might not visit our mission, he might be here on other business. However, we are having a Sisters Conference on November 26th! So that will be super good I'm really excited!!

 I think I answered all of your questions except the top 10 favourite things.. which is actually harder than you would think!! But I have a couple, I will tell you them but they aren't in order.. I will keep thinking so just know that this isn't an official list. But: chocolate, fashion, custard, culture, dry shampoo, accents.. that's all I got for now.. But I will get back to you!! Cool thing for the week, the Zone Leaders had a meeting in London, which means they bring back mail. We were talking to them on the phone when they were driving back and they told me that they had a huge package for me.. I was like what?!?! So I was super excited!! I asked them who it was from and they said Gary and Lesa Stevenson!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!!!! They sent me a HUGE tub of popcorn!! And the good cheddar kind that you like!! I ate a handful and it was just like I was sitting in the front seat of the Acadia driving home from Tai Pan!! haha I will send pictures of it!!

Popcorn the Stevenson's sent me

Can't believe it... cheese corn!

Thanks Stevenson's - Love Ya!

Also, there are some pictures of Sister Schumann being me on Halloween night hahaha hope you enjoy. (Its really funny cause every night as soon as we walk through the door I put my hair in a top knot-a bun) Other than that not a ton happened this week! We met 3 wonderful Chinese girls that we started teaching who are studying at the UEA (University of East Anglia) and they are great!! Hopefully there will be more to write about them soon! Next Sunday here is remembrance Sunday. So already everyone has poppy pins, its actually really cool! It is the 100th anniversary of the 1st World War so at the Tower of London they have planted one poppy for everyone who died in the war. Maybe you saw when they were working on it from my pictures of London? Anyway, its really cool! We aren't usually allowed to wear things like that but Sister Jordan said that we could wear a poppy ONLY on Sunday, so we are pretty excited! :) Thank you so much for your inspiring story of when you went to the temple. I started crying right here in the middle of the Library! I know that we are put where the Lord needs us to be, I'm sure it was probably frustrating and stressful that you missed the 1:00 session and that you had to wait for a while, but I know that the woman you helped was changed. She has a stronger testimony of the power of prayer and of our Fathers love for her. Thank you for going to the temple, for being a good example and for what you do  for me. I love you so much mum!! I don't know what I would do without you. I know that I'm not perfect, but I'm trying my best to continue to be like my Saviour and do what is right so that I can return to live with him. I know that this church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I know the Saviour bled and died for us because we cannot do this alone. We need him more than we will ever realize. I am eternally grateful for him and for the price he paid for me. I love you so much and I hope you have a great week!!!!

I love you to the moon and back infinity times!!

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Halloween Fun!

Missionaries dressing like each other... LOOK I am an

Sister Schumann dressed up like me one night!
Love her 

Woods near Norwich

This is for you Brother Roe!