Monday, February 29, 2016

Halfway, 9 months, Humpday.. Whatever you wanna call it!

Well guys... I made it halfway! I really never thought this would come
seeing as how it took 20 months to get here instead of 9, but here we
are. And let me tell you, it's terrifying and horrible. Don't get me
wrong it has been the greatest 9 months of my life, but it's terrible
to think I only have 9 left! I already wish I could stay here
forever!! But I will just try to #makeeverylastdaycount

We have seen many more miracles this week and have been so busy
teaching!! That fast really changed everything, even the ward is
getting so much more involved! It really does make the greatest
difference. Members make the best missionaries. One of the miracles
from the week was a referral we got from a member. It's the member's
mum's twin sister. Her mum died a little while ago and it's been hard
for their family. We really connected with Carol (the referral) and we
are so excited to go back and see her next week! (She is the video of
the posh accent for all you peeps on the iCloud shared album.)

Roger is still doing really well. He was able to stop smoking last
week and has been smoke free for a few days now, we are hoping to even
move his baptism date up! We are also considering having him write a
book titled "how to be perfectly prepared for the missionaries." We
will let you know if it ever gets published 😉😂

Sorry it's not too long this week, but in closing I just want to share
once again my testimony of the Saviour. I started doing a 30 days
closer to Christ program (credit to my Dad) and planned it so that I
will end on Easter. I really can't believe how it has strengthened me
in the short time I have been doing it. Of course, I read my
scriptures and study everyday, but as I have specifically focused on
the Saviour, his life, and his attributes it has made me cherish Him
more and think of what things I can do in my life to align it more
with His. I challenge you all to study the Saviour everyday until
Easter. It will strengthen your relationship with Him, which by far is
my greatest possession. I love this work, I love my Father in Heaven,
I love the gospel, I love my Saviour, and I love all of you!!

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Ps went to some old roman ruins today for p-day.... They have been
around since the time of Christ 😱

9 months- hUmp day!

Roman Ruins England

I wore a skirt because I didn't know I would be climbing old ruin walls.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, NAY!

WOWZERS you guys this week.... Incredible.
So we started the week by reevaluating last transfer. We did a lot of
good and felt like we worked hard, but we decided it wasn't enough. We
want to consecrate this next transfer. To consecrate ourselves. To be
more diligent of mind and to work harder than we ever have in our
entire lives. We also realised that even after all that, if we didn't
include the Lord in our work it wouldn't mean a thing. So that's
exactly what we have done. We started it all off with a fast and
invited our bishop and ward mission leader to join us. And then, we
got up and went to work. We have been exhausted every night and have
had to drag ourselves up the stairs, and yet I have never been
happier. I have never been more excited and satisfied to be tired in
my entire life.

Well boy did we see a miracle! We had been really trying to get people
to church, but no one could come. Sunday morning we had hung up our
coats and were walking into the chapel when our ward mission leader
pulled us aside and introduced us to Roger. Roger had just decided
that he wanted to come to church this morning. Without really going
into it he was having a lot of family problems and was looking for
support and comfort. He had heard all kinds of crazy things about us
being a cult and such, but had a daughter that was a member so decided
he would just try it out. 😱 we were able to teach him The Restoration
in gospel principles AND answer a lot of questions that night at our
ward mission leaders home. He is now preparing to be baptised on March
26 and can already feel the love the Lord has for him. HOW COOL IS

I know that we are so blessed!!

Some other fun facts from the week:
Sister Haynie crashed her bike. Yes she is okay, just a scrapped knee.
One of our investigators told us all about the African dream world in
a lesson we tried to teach him.
We had district meeting and a member that is thinking about serving a
mission was able to come!
We went to Canterbury for p-day.... Again.

Well I cannot express how grateful I am for all of you and your many
prayers! We feel them and appreciate them so much. I am so grateful to
be able to be out here serving the Saviour. I know he is in the very
details of this work and I am honoured to be able to be his hands. My
relationship with Him is my most prized possession and I am so
grateful to be able to help it grow everyday as I keep him in my
heart, on my mind, and on my lips. I know that so many of the
doctrines of this gospel have the power to make a difference in
people's lives but only Him and His atonement can change lives. How
lucky we are to know the truth. I LOVE THIS WORK, I LOVE THE SAVIOUR,
have a great week!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright
Gillingham Country side

Love the Tuttles!

Gillingham/Canterbury Sisters: Haynie, Johannes and

Face Swap

Canterbury Cathedral