Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Hello & Happy Easter!!!

So I was going to say it was a pretty quiet week, but a lot of things
happened, so I will just tell you about it and you can decide if it
was eventful or not!

We started and ended the week the same way: sick. 😷🤒☹️ it was
miserable! Tuesday we were both so bad that we had to stay in the flat
all day. Talk about going crazy! Ahhhhhh!! But it had been going
around the ward for a while so we were lucky that we made it this long
healthy. After about dying on Tuesday we decided we were going out
Wednesday no matter how bad we felt, so we coughed and sniffed our way
through a couple lessons and a dinner appt.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday were about the same as any other week,
just with more sudafed and tissues than usual.
Sunday was fabulous, of course! We had a great day and it was amazing
to be able to testify about the Saviour as the world remembers His
resurrection. There is so much power in the knowledge that we can all
live again, and that no matter what we can change. We have never gone
too far, or done too much, to be outside of the reach of the
atonement. I'm still so humbled and grateful when I think of that.

We are still teaching our friends Kizzy and Carol, and a couple
others. Kizzy is preparing to be baptised on April 16, so keep her in
your prayers! She is so excited!!

Okay now the part I know you've all been waiting for... TRANSFERS!!
Drumroll please.......
Sadly, Sister Haynie will be leaving. After an AMAZING 12 weeks, they
decided we were just too good together, so she will be moving to
And I will be staying here and having a new baby!! That's right,
Sister Schumann is finally getting that sister that she always wanted.
(For all you that are a little unfamiliar with missionary language,
that means I will be training a new missionary)
We are sad to be parting, but excited for a new adventure!

I'm so grateful for all of you and the roles you play in my life! I
love being out here. I love this gospel, especially the Book of
Mormon. Im thankful for my Saviour and what He has done for us. We can
feel Him standing beside us as we do His work!

"It is so important for us to be one the Lord's side. But we should
never forget that the Lord is also on our side. Each of us will taste
the butter ashes of life, from sin and neglect to sorrow and
disappointment. But the atonement of Christ can lift us up in beauty
from our ashes on the wings of a sure promise of immortality and
eternal life. He will this lift us up, not only at the end of life,
but in each day of our lives."
-Elder Bruce C. Hafen

your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Us + the Thorpes (a family in the ward) + Roger

Us and Kizzy

Monday, March 21, 2016


Hello everyone!!

This has been an eventful week, but I'll do my best to sum it up.

Tuesday we went on exchange so we were both in Illford! It was so much fun! It is way different than Sittingbourne, and it made me decide I officially miss London. There's too many old English people down here 😂 we rushed back Wednesday morning to make it to district meeting in Gravesend, and we did a blitz after. MOST FUN BLITZ IVE EVER DONE!! (A blitz is where a bunch of missionaries go out and find in the same area.) We drew the Plan of Salvation with chalk then invited people to walk through it with us, it had to be the most effective finding I've ever done! Then we ate pizza.

The rest of the week was super busy preparing for ROGERS BAPTISM!!! WAHOOOOOOOOO He was baptised on Saturday, it was a beautiful service and the spirit was so strong. All his family was able to come and a lot of the ward was there as well. One of our investigators, Kizzy, was also able to make it and she LOVED IT. We were talking to one of Rogers granddaughters and found out she had been baptised many years ago and lives in the ward boundaries, she agreed to start coming back to church with her granddad! WOW.

Side note: I don't know if I've told you guys already, but the ward is doing what we call a 40 day fast. Each day for 40 days a different member of the ward fasts for the missionary efforts in this area. WE HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MANY MIRACLES. The Saviour is definitely standing by us in this work, and how lucky we are to be able to help it progress.

Sunday Roger was confirmed and asked if he could share his testimony, yes you read that right, HE asked if he could share his testimony. He bore a beautiful witness of Christ and the difference he has seen in his life since turning to Him. He also whipped out a scripture from the Doctrine and Covenants in his new quad. (So cute!!!!) one that we had never read with him before. YOU GUYS HE IS SO GOOD!!!!

We also got an awesome referral from a member! Our new friend's name is Ollie. He is 18 and is so sincere about learning. Miracles peeps, so many miracles.

Other news from the week:
*Sister Haynie has been super sick the past couple days. But we just keep going. Bless her. Keep her in your prayers.
*I ran into a pole when I was walking down the street. I don't know how it happened. Don't ask.
*We sang again in public and Sister Haynie made me sound amazing (no surprises there)

I love this work so much!! I love being able to give all my time and talents to the Lord. Our companion prayers each night are probably some of the most spiritual experiences I have had. Christ is here. He is in every tiny aspect of this work. I love the Book of Mormon and the difference it can make in people's lives. I love the gospel, I love his work, I love my Saviour, and I love all of you. I challenge you all to take time each day to contemplate the life of Christ as we celebrate the final week of His life this Easter week. He changed everything.

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Exchanged in Illford

Gravesend BLITZ (where a bunch of missionaries go out
and find in the same area)
We wrote the Plan of Salvation on the cobblestone street

Rogers Baptism

Monday, March 14, 2016


Hey everyone!

EASTER IS COMING! We are so excited to use the new Easter initiative video that the church has put out. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it!! (Then share it with someone!)

This week has been so good! Tuesday we were SO BUSY. Even with the bikes we were late to the stuff in the evening. It was so good to be able to teach so much! We saw Roger and he is so excited to be baptised this Saturday, almost as excited as we are for him to be baptised!! Please keep him in your prayers. He has overcome a lot and continues to rely on the Lord.

Wednesday we were in London for Zone Conference. We left early so that we could eat breakfast at a place called the Cereal Killer Cafe. They have any cereal you could imagine, with flavoured milk, and toppings! It was unreal and my love for cereal is at an all time high. (And not because it's the only thing I can cook, I learned how to make curry!) Zone Conference was all about the Saviour, and it was incredible. Sometimes I catch myself almost in tears when I think about how much He has done for us and the opportunity that gives each one of us to change. We have an infinite amount of second chances, isn't that something?! I have learned A LOT in the past year and a half, in fact, A LOT is an understatement. But out of everything my relationship with my Saviour is the thing I value most, the thing I rely on most, and the thing I hope I share the most. As I've thought about this Easter season something I said a couple weeks ago was made real and now I know that a lot of doctrines and principles and programs in the church can really make make a difference, but only the atonement can change our nature. I hope more than anything that it's changing mine to who he wants me to be. As we see more and more success we can feel Him standing beside us and guiding the work. How grateful we are for Him.

Well this is turning into a long email, so to sum it up, the rest of the week was normal, but great of course! Sister Haynie and I sang 2 musical numbers this week, one at the relief society birthday dinner and another in sacrament meeting. She makes me sound really good. (I'm still terrified to sing in front of people, I could talk and teach all day but something about singing is horrifying, or maybe just my singing is horrifying 😬)

Also, a less active said my "look alike" animal is a Manatee...... They are also known as sea cows.... #thatsembarrassing

I love this gospel, I love the Lord, and I love all of you!!!!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright


Cereal Killer Cafe, London

Train foot high-5 with Sister Haynie

Monday, March 7, 2016

Normal is good right?


So this will probably be pretty short cause it's been a super normal
week, but no news is good news right? Don't get me wrong, as always we
have seen miracles. But none like Roger. However he is doing great and
is scheduled to be baptised on March 19! He loves everything we teach
and is whole heartedly accepting everything. It doesn't mean he
doesn't have trials, he has had a hard time giving up smoking and
coffee, but he recognises that the Lord is there for him. He has such
trust in the Saviour and does his best in everything and can see the
Lord working in his life. The ward has played a huge part in his
conversion so far. It's so comforting to see when people other than
the missionaries save him a seat and talk to him and walk with him to
classes. We couldn't do it without them!

We are teaching a lady named Angela who is from New Jersey!! She grew
up over here, but moved across the pond when she got married. She
comes back here for 5 months every year to be with her mum. She is
friends with a member and the member brought her to church the last
two weeks!! We are going to see them on Saturday to have dinner and
teach Angela a little more so that's exciting!

Yesterday was Mother's Day! So happy day to all the mum's in 'Merica!
(Who says you can't be celebrated twice?!) the primary children sang
and handed out flowers yesterday at church. They handed one to all the
mum's then I guess decided we didn't fit into any category so gave us
a flower too. 😂 it was pretty funny, but brightens up our flat!

Well as you all know, I love this work and I love the gospel, and most
of all I love my Saviour! Go find a miracle today!!

Love you all!!

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Mum's Day in England 3.6.16 They thought we  should get a flower
Happy Birthday Nanny-Roo!!

You are always on my mind!