Monday, June 27, 2016

Birthday Blessings

Hey fan club!

Hope you all had a wonderful week and a delightful sabbath! This week has definitely been one for the books! Thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes yesterday and today! I feel your love and it strengthens me so much! I don't know what I would do without you. It truly was a great birthday. We went to church, had a meeting, ate some food (really good food), opened some great presents (thanks fam) and found lots of people who want to learn about how to change their lives through the atonement of Christ. I couldn't have asked for a better day! I definitely don't feel like I'm 21 though... Maybe it will kick in eventually.

So SURPRISE! DORIS GOT BAPTISED!! Yeah we couldn't believe it either. It was definitely a ninja baptism. And a great birthday blessing. She was just so prepared and ready. We committed her to be baptised on Saturday when we saw her on Monday, then taught her everything else she needed to know by Friday. It truly was a miracle. We for sure wouldn't be able to  do this work without help from the other side of the veil. Her husband, who passed away 17 years ago, was definitely watching out for her. She has such strong faith and determination to always follow Christ. It's inspiring. We were on the bus on the bus with her on the way home from the baptism and we saw the most beautiful rainbow, so which Doris says "it's cause I got baptised" HOW TRUE THAT IS!
Plus, before the baptism she taught us how to do the African head scarf thing, so that's like the coolest thing ever.

The other Colchester sisters, Sister Soulier and Sister Guimaraes also had a baptism on Saturday, so really the week couldn't have been any better!

Sister Matthews and I are basically sisters, and we have the time of our lives. Life is good here is Col-chizzy. So good.

I love you all so much! Sometimes I think about the past two years of my life and I can't believe what has changed and how I have changed. I know it is only because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, but it also because of the part each one of you has played in my life. I know Christ lives. I know He stands beside us in this work. I know because of Him I will never be the same. THE BOOK OF MORMON IS THE GREATEST BOOK EVER!!! It really teaches us everything. Like everything. Im so grateful to belong to a church that knows the "why's" of eternity and not just the "how's."

Keep it real guys.
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Monday, June 20, 2016


Hey everybody!

Happy first day of summer!!! We are spending our first day of summer not eating ice cream in the park like we hoped, but running from shop to shop so we don't get completely drenched, because after all, we do live in England.
I will introduce you all to my new companion so you can love her as much as I do. Her name is Sister Matthews and she is from South Africa. Her favourite colour is yellow. Her favourite food is meat, and her favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. So we get along great cause I don't steal her meat and she doesn't steal my Ben&Jerry's half-baked ice cream. It's a match made in heaven.

We have had an interesting week, full of teaching people and waiting at bus stops. One of our favourite friends (it's bad to have favourites, I know) we are teaching right now is Doris. Doris is from Ghana and is SO AWESOME! Her son is actually a member in Ghana and she loves coming to church. She had the most amazing miracle recently. She lost her job because the man she was caring for passed away. She was two months behind on her rent and just didn't know what she was going to do. Two weeks ago she came to church for the first time. While at church she prayed and basically said "God, I'm in your house, if this church is true and if this is where I'm supposed to be, help me." She got home and 2 hours later her landlord called..... He said they would forget about the two months of rent she owed and start over fresh. Not only that, but that he would pay her council tax so she didn't owe that either. MIRACLE. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ she bore a powerful testimony of God answering prayers and that she knows the church is true, then asked us when she could be baptised. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ GO DORIS πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ

Also, one day this week Sister Matthews thought she was a little more African than she actually is, and tried to make jollof rice (African rice, if you haven't tried it you're missing out). Long story short, it didn't work. But we laughed and laughed about it and ate it anyway. πŸ˜‚

Well I hope you all had a great week. I love being a missionary. I love the Book of Mormon. I love this work. and I love the Lord. THE ATONEMENT IS SO REAL!!!

You're favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

My new companion Sister Matthews

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hello's and Goodbyes πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Hey everyone!

Okay so this is going to be really really short. But I'll give you the cool parts of the week. Well it's all cool, but you know what I mean.

Tuesday Elder Oaks visited our mission. He and some other area authorities spoke to us and the London South mission in the Hyde Park chapel. IT WAS AMAZING! He spoke about a lot about teaching repentance. Teaching repentance always precedes baptism. There are no instances (that Elder Oaks knows of) where the scriptures speak about baptism and repentance isn't mentioned. However there are a lot where replace is spoken of and baptism isn't mentioned. It's the key to returning to live with God and we all need to know it and do it.

Saturday I had the opportunity to go to the temple with Sister Rodriguez since it's her last transfer. It was so incredible. As my dad says: "I'm grateful to belong to a church that knows what temples are for." The spirit was so strong and I learned so much. We were able to do 2 sessions and sealings. I can't even begin to describe how I felt when I was there and the gratitude I have to be able to go. The closest I can get to describing it are Oliver Cowdrey's words when he says "What joy! What wonder! What amazement!"

I have loved my 5 short weeks with Sister Rodriguez. She has taught me so much. I really feel like I have never grown as fast as I have with her. Her testimony is powerful. Her spirit is powerful. She is powerful. And all because she knows who her Saviour is. I hope one day I can grow up to be like her. But no fear, we will see each other when we are flat mates at USU ☺️

I know this church is Gods church again restored on the earth. I know Christ lives and as the bible says "And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them." This is His work. I'm lucky to play a small part in it.
I love Jesus Christ. I love each of you.

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Monday, June 6, 2016

The greatest 4 weeks of my life!

Hey peeps!

As you can read from the caption, this transfer has been the greatest 4 weeks of my life. I cannot begin to describe to you the feelings and impressions and miracles we have seen. I also can't describe the heartache and sadness we have felt. How blessed we are!

Sister Rodriguez has taught me so much and she is incredible! We have laughed more than I have in my entire life put together! And we have cried more than I ever have in my life. But don't worry, they were happy tears, tears brought by the spirit. Well except like 2 nights ago when I started sobbing because she's leaving me in a week, it was kinda joking crying... but kinda not. I am so grateful for the person she is and the person she has become. I hope in another 6 months I can become a little more like her, but I have a long way to go.

We have been working with a lot of people lately, and I don't have time or finger energy to tell you about all of them, but we are excited for their progress. We have felt the love God has for each one of them as we have rejoiced because of their progress or been saddened because of their lack of. But we know the Lord has a plan and we can't change agency... Cause we don't follow Satan! (Thank heavens) More in the weeks to come.

Tuesday we had an exchange with Sister Mattos and Sister Tavares who are serving in Gorelston. They are great! We had lots of fun talking to people, teaching African kids, and doing face masks.

Thursday we had the opportunity to go to MLC (mission leadership conference). It is a meeting with President and Sister Stevens, the Assistants, all the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders. It was INCREDIBLE AND FABULOUS! The spirit was so strong and there was so much revelation that my brain almost exploded. It was also great to catch up with old leaders, and of course, Sister Jopanna (we will be friends for life).
Sister Rodriguez and I had a really cool experience there. During one of the trainings we were talking about our purpose, calling, and who we represent. We were doing an activity where we introduced ourselves in one minute or less. As Sister Rodriguez introduced herself as a representative of Jesus Christ tears filled both of our eyes as we thought of our Saviour, what he has done for us, and how much it means to represent him.  We finally pulled ourselves together and it was my turn.  (Little back story to this is that when I went home, I only cried twice. Once the night I found out I was going home, and once when I had to take my badge off.) As I stated that I was a representative of Jesus Christ I looked down at my badge and touched his name. Again, we couldn't hold back the tears. I was taken to a year and a half ago when I touched that badge to take it off, and the feelings associated with it. Now I stand as a worthy representative of him and I finally realise how much of a privilege it is to be a missionary. I think a quote from Elder Oaks sums it up nicely, he tells of Christ's disciples as they were ridiculed and thrown out and he says "Thus, when Peter and the other Apostles were beaten, they rejoiced 'that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name." Although I don't have to go through what they did, I feel honoured and I rejoice to be worthy to feel just a little of what he felt.

MCL (mission leadership conference) with President and Sister Stevens

Sister Johanna

Saturday we had Zone Meeting, and we were able to give the same training in which we had that experience. It was a privilege to be able to testify of the spirit we felt and the power that comes with being a missionary.

Well, I think this has been long enough, and Jack said that if they are too long he will never read them, so to keep the audience I'll close by saying how much I love all of you!!!!
Also, I love the Book of Mormon. It's true. And Christ lives.

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright