Monday, November 16, 2015

Colchester Week #3

Hello my people.
This week was a very blessed week in the wonderful land of Colchester.
Blessed and very freezing. Very, very freezing. However the warmth of
the spirit kept us going strong.
Last Monday, p-day, we wandered around Colchester and went shopping
with the other sisters. Please everyone take a moment of silence for
that fact that I spent a total of £0. Yes, you read that right, £0.
πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ for Sister Wright. We also went and played volleyball at
the chapel. Then we went to a dinner appt with some members in the
ward. It was great! They have a son on a mission right now so they
understood more than others can about what our lives are like.

Tuesday we had Zone Conference. I got to see my daughter, Sister
Schumann, and my other granddaughter, Sister Mattos again. It was
great to have trainings from the Stevens, the Assistants, the Sister
Training Leaders, and our Zone Leaders. We learned a lot about finding
people to teach and about obedience. We got back just in time for a
dinner appt with a member, Natasha, and her two kids. I love them so

Wednesday was pretty crazy, we went finding almost all day, then had
correlation that night. Our Ward Mission Leader gets very animated so
Correlation is quite entertaining. πŸ˜‚ We also had lunch with the other
sisters and all went to get out Flu Jabs together... That's always
lovely. But on the bright side I got over that fear of needles and
didn't pass out. WAHOO! And that wasn't even the miracle. We met the
cutest little Chinese girl at the bus stop, her name is Christina. Her
willingness to learn about Christ was incredible and she has such a
sweet spirit. Keep her in mind, the miracle doesn't end there.

Thursday we went and heart attacked some members doors, and only got
caught once! Then for the rest of the day, Natasha (the member we had
dinner with on Tuesday), came tracking and finding with us in a little
village just outside Colchester!! We were able to tract a street her
cousin lives on and had a great lesson at her doorstep. We also found
some families. We are going to go back when it gets closer to
Christmas to share the Christmas message the church has for this year
that will be released on Nov. 29. It is incredible how missionary work
is so much more effective and powerful when members are involved. They
bring a spirit and truth that we can't bring as missionaries. I love
that the ward here is so willing to help us and work with us.

Friday we went teaching with The Elders (Zone Leaders) at Uni in the
morning then went and saw some less actives. I have to tell you about
one of the less actives we saw. She is in a home because she has
dementia. But her cute husband (who we found out was the first stake
president of the Ipswich stake when it was organised) comes and sits
with her everyday for 4-5 hours. He was so patient with her and so
caring. The love he shows her was the most pure, Christlike love I
have ever seen. I seriously was almost crying. Incredible and very
humbling. Anyway, starting this week, every Friday night the
missionaries in the ward are organising  a FHE for the members and
investigators that are at Uni. So we decided we would text Christina,
remember the Chinese girl from Wednesday? We didn't really know if she
would come but we were like yeah sure we'll text her. BUT SHE CAME!!!
And then, we had the MOST AWESOME lesson with her about the godhead
(with some translation from Sister Chou πŸ˜‰) and she basically taught
us! She just kept telling us how happy she was and how good she felt.
It was sooooooo awesommmmmmeeee!!!!!!

We taught her again on Saturday morning with The Elders and it went so
good! She has a baptismal date for December 12 and she is so excited
to get baptised!! We stayed and taught with the Elders for a lesson
they had then went home for lunch. After lunch we went into town to
check our Facebooks and I got to message Petya from Norwich!! We had
an awesome talk about the plan of salvation because of the whole
terrorist thing that happened in Paris. (P.S. HOW SCARY IS THAT?!)

Sunday we were so excited for Christina to come to church but she
called us really sick and she was so sad that she couldn't come cause
she couldn't get out of bed. But we are excited to teach her next
week. Church was good though! We ate lunch then went to Greenstead.
Apparently missionaries used to not be able to go there cause there
were 3 murders in a week or something like that? But we haven't heard
of any murders and Sister Faiv isn't scared of nofink, so we went. Got
a return appointment and we are still alive so yeah there's that. We
also made friends with the bus driver on the way home. He isn't super
interested in the gospel and is gay, but he is hilarious!

Well that about sums up our week here! Sorry I didn't realise how long
this is 😬 surry. Real quick I will tell you what I learned this week.
Last p-day I got advice from a friend when I said I hadn't seen any
miracles. They challenged me to find one miracle everyday and write it
down. The first day or two was hard, but then I started to recognise
the Lord's hand in His work. At the end of the week I saw way more
than one miracle a day. As I started to realise how big of a part the
Lords plays I was able to rely on him more, have more faith, and I
began to be happier. I challenge you all this week to recognise the
miracles, big or small, that happen everyday. I promise as you do that
you will realise just how much the Lord helps you and you will be
happier. I love this gospel, I love my Saviour, and I love all of
Til next week,
Sister Wright
P-Day in Cambridge, England

Everyone went shopping and bought 

how did that get there?

Colchester Zone November 2015

Elder Cook from Midway Utah. Sister Wright was in the MTC with him.

Sister Chou teaching a Chinese student in Mandarin

FLU Jabs... No fun!!

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