Monday, May 30, 2016



This week has been a good one! Again, so much learned about how the spirit works and my reliance on the Saviour!
Tuesday we had an exchange with Thetford. I spent the day with Sister Matthews! It was incredible!! She is from South Africa and is a fabulous missionary. We decided one day I'm going to visit her and we will go swimming with sharks. I also found out that my favourite animal is a shark.. I think that started when I learned so much about them with Clementine. I only realised when someone asked me what my favourite animal is and that was the first thing that came to mind! #funfactoftheweek
We also has an exchange on Friday with the Dereham sisters (pictured below) I was with Sister Dabrowska. She is from Poland and is usually in the Visitors Center, but moved to Dereham for her time out in the "real world" 😉 we had lots of fun and even fed some ducks! Turns out the male ducks don't really like chocolate though... That or the lady duck ate it too fast for them to have a chance.. Sounds like real life 😂

We are continuing to see Arshed, Mary and their family who are preparing for baptism on June 11. They are incredible! Like seriously, GOLDEN. They are from Iraq, but have citizenship in the states. They are living here for Mary to get her PhD. They are so great that they do things like study the Book of Mormon for two hours a day and watch meet the Mormons (without anyone showing it to them) and cry cause they are so touched. They will be kingdom builders. We are sure of it.

One thing I learned from this week: many moons ago, in Sister Wright Part 1, I asked President Jordan how I could improve my studies. He replied very simply, "ask why." I have been doing that ever since and I can honestly say I have learned something new everyday since. So obviously, that changed me, but more recently I have been thinking about that and I realised how much we can learn not just from asking why as we study but for asking why for everything! Before we go out to talk with people on the street I think "why?" And it helps me to refocus on my purpose, which is to invite others to come unto Christ. I know as I remember this always that I will always have the confidence that I am doing His work in His way. (Shout out to President Jordan- I don't even know if he remembers telling me that)

You guys its so incredible to be a missionary!! Like seriously, I love this job. I love the opportunity I have to see the atonement change people everyday. I love being able to bear witness that He Lives, that the Book of Mormon is true, and that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. I KNOW IT!

I love this church, I love the Lord, and I love all of you!!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Celebrating 1 year with Natasha Lamb

Wonderful gift from home for my 1 year mark.
Everyone sent in a word that described me and my mum made this collage.
My great-grandma Call said, "Handsome" I guess from pride and prejudice time.

Monday, May 23, 2016

"and my soul was filled with love"


So this week is just too incredible/crazy to fit into one email. I don't even know where to start. 
We had two exchanges this week, one with Norwich-Sister Chou and Sister Powell. Then one with Ipswich-Sister Mekonnen and Sister Calixto. It is so much fun to get to know all the sisters and feel the love the Lord has for them. 

Sister Rodriguez and I have learned so much this week, one of those things I want to share with all of you. At the beginning of the transfers we were setting goals and we realised we both wanted to develop more charity. So, as Moroni says in Chapter 7 "But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love..." We decided we would start praying for charity. So we prayed, every prayer, with all the energy of our heart that we could develop charity. And nothing happened. Nothing. We didn't feel even a little bit different. 
Then one night we were laying in bed, and we realised that we had been doing it wrong the whole time!!!! (Serious bed revelation you guys) as we pray to have charity it's turning inward. Which is the opposite of charity. So we started to pray with all energy of heart for those who we wanted to have charity for. Not just to have charity for them, but praying for them, for their families, for their struggles, for their needs and desires. AND IT CHANGED EVERYTHING!! I have never felt so much love in my entire life. 

We were also blessed to be able to give a training in two specialised training meetings, one in Norwich, and one in Ipswich. We taught about the Book of Mormon in our studying, finding, and teaching. We both realised how much we love the Book of Mormon and how absolutely necessary it is for the world. One of our favourite quotes was this by President Benson: "We do not have to prove the Book of Mormon is true. The book is its own proof. All we need to do is read it and declare it. The Book of Mormon is not on trial - the people of the world, including members of the Church, are on trial as to what they will do with this second witness of Christ."
How powerful is that?! WE LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON!!

We were also able to go to Stake women's conference with one of our investigators, Mary, on Saturday. That was one of the best meetings I've been to in a LONG time. The spirit was so strong, and I had an overwhelming feeling of the Saviours love. I imagined what he would say if he was here, and I imagined seeing his hands, hands that have done so much, hand with nail prints still in them to prove to the world of his sacrifice, reaching out and touching my shoulder. Accompanied by the words, "let's do this." More sure than ever before I know He is here, working with us. 

I am so grateful for the atonement!! Seriously. It's amazing. 
I love you all!!!

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright 

One of my favourite missionaries Sister Chou

The classic fake laughing picture

The sisters at the Norwich training meeting with Sister Stevens

Breakfast this morning with the sisters

Bowling for p-day

Monday, May 16, 2016

Choose the "Wright" & Hold to the "Rod"

Well this week has been so crazy!!
Moving back to Colchester has been incredible! I really do feel like
I'm coming home. I love this place and I love this people. Sunday was
like a dream come true to see everyone again!!
My companion is Sister Rodriguez from Texas, and we have SO MUCH fun
together! She is incredible and I learn so much from her everyday.
Sadly, she is going home at the end of this transfer, so we have a
goal to get a baptism before then. PRAY FOR US!!
I moved here on Wednesday and we have been working hard since the
moment I got here. We have found lots of new friends this week and we
are excited for them in the weeks to come.
One of them was a HUGE miracle. The sisters had met Thelma's mom,
Doris, on Monday before I got here, and had scheduled to go see her on
Saturday. When we got there, Doris wasn't home but Thelma was. We
talked to her on the doorstep for a while then she finally let us in.
We talked with her about hope through Jesus Christ and how we can find
so much truth in the Book of Mormon. We got to the end of our
discussion and she said "you know, I usually never open the door for
people like you, I don't know why I let you in." Then we were able to
bear testimony about how the Holy Ghost works and how God knows her
individually. It was powerful.
I'm sure there was lots more that happened this week, but I can't
remember them all right now. (Don't worry mom, I'm keeping a journal)
I'm so grateful to be able to serve back in Colchester! I must have
done something right for the Lord to put me back here. I'm so grateful
to be able to do his work in his way. We see so many miracles everyday
it's impossible to count them all. From having a bus be at the stop
right when we need it, to meeting people like Thelma, I know the
Lord's hand is in His work. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and if
you don't read it everyday then you're missin out!! Seriously, that
book has changed my life. I'm so grateful for all your love and
prayers. I love my Saviour more than I can say.
Peace out peeps.
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright ❤️

ps the subject of this email is our companionship name, ISNT IT THE
GREATEST?!? 👏🏼✌🏼️👌🏼

District meeting. L to R: Sister Rodriguez, me (obviously), Elder Rix, Elder Jensen, Elder Withers, Elder Botta, Sister Barnjak, Sister Guimaraes

classic name tag picture

We were walking and talking about charity (mostly how we need more of it) and saw a 3-legged cat and felt so much charity for it that we figured we should capture the moment...... We failed.
But we will always remember our friend. #TheCatThatTaughtUsCharity

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Going... Going... Going... Gone.


This won't be too long, cause it's transfers week. I think I say that
every email will be short but they never actually end up being short.
😬 sorry. For all of you that I was able to see on Sunday: long time,
no see. 😂

We have had an alright week! Lots of finding and visiting recent
converts and less actives. Kizzy and Roger and doing great! This week
we were able to bring a less active to church with us who hadn't been
in over 15 years!!! It was incredible. ☺️

Now the news you have all been waiting for..... IM MOVING!!!! I'm so
sad to leave. I have come to love G2 and it's been hard saying
goodbye. But I do know some of the friendships I've made here will
last a lifetime and I'm grateful for that. I will be going.... BACK TO
COLCHESTER! Yes, you read that right. In the Colchester ward there are
3 sets of missionaries, elders and then 2 sets of sisters. I will be
in Colchester 2 sisters instead of Colchester 3 like last time, so I
will be in a different flat. But other than that it will all be the
same. Although I'm sad to leave Gillingham I am so excited to go back
to Colchester. I love everyone there! My companion will be Sister
Rodrigues! I have met her once or twice and she is amazing! I'm
excited! 👏🏼

Well I'm so grateful to be a missionary and serve the Lord. I'm
learning the blessings of being able to give myself completely to the
work. There is honestly nothing better. I love my saviour, Jesus
Christ, and the gift of being able to wear his name on and in my
heart. I love this work, I love this gospel, I love the Lord, and I
love all of you!!

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Cliffs of Dover P-day

Still a little sass

Gillingham missionaries with Elder and Sister Tuttle

Mum's Day call family photo

Monday, May 2, 2016

Hello from the other siiiiiiide

Hey peeps!!

Hope you all had a great week!! We definitely did. It was a crazy one
though. We had the three week meeting on Wednesday and interviews on
Thursday, which means we had to fit all the work we would normally do
in one week into 4 days. We were basically chickens with our heads cut

So Wednesday we had the three week missionary meeting in London. It is
where the new missionaries meet and are trained and us trainers are
given trainings as well. (Wow that was a lot of the word training) It
was long, but good. We had some great trainings and learned about
obedience and planning. The three week meeting is generally the same,
so I've listened to the same trainings a few times. This time the
spirit taught me something different, as I sat there I realised that
these things are important in life and not just in missionary work.
Obedience, obviously. But planning is something that we can't live
without in missionary work and should be the same in life. We need to
set goals and make plans or we will never progress to what our
Heavenly Father wants us to be.

Thursday we had interviews and WOW! The spirit was SO STRONG!!! We got
home after and we were EXHAUSTED because the spirit was so strong. We
were given a training on becoming consecrated missionaries and I
thought about becoming; becoming better missionaries, becoming better
friends, becoming better family members, and becoming better people. I
realised that when I step off the plane no one will see how many
people we taught or found a week, or how many baptisms we had in a
certain area, but only what I have become. I have changed a lot since
July 2, 2014 when I first stepped on a plane to London. But I have so
much more to change before I come back, and I'm so grateful and
humbled to be able to have the opportunity to change those things
because of the gift of the atonement.

Sadly this week we decided that a lot of our investigators weren't
progressing, and that we only have a certain amount of time to be
here. Our time is so precious so we prayed about it and dropped almost
all the people we were teaching. Sister Cardoso was having a hard time
with it because she felt like we were failing, and it was only when
she said that that I realised this is my favourite time in missionary
work!!! Because now we will find with our whole hearts and might and
strength, and now that we are desperate to find people to teach the
Lord will trust us with those who are prepared. I also realised we
should be like that all the time!! So I'm working on that too.

Cool story for the week: Kizzy got asked to leave the place she was
living (as said in previous email) and she had to be out by today. Her
aunt came into her room last night and said a lot of mean things and
asked for her house key. Kizzy was crying and praying all night to
know what she should do, she closed her prayer and not 30 seconds
later the Relief Society president texted her and said there was a
member that she could stay with. Not only that but the member is also
VEGAN!!! God is so good and prayers are answered.

Well, this email has been a lot of reflection about this week and the
changes I am excited to make, but I hope it helped one of you out in
some way!!
I love you all so much! I love this work and I love this gospel. I
love my Saviour and I am so grateful for the atonement!!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright