Monday, May 16, 2016

Choose the "Wright" & Hold to the "Rod"

Well this week has been so crazy!!
Moving back to Colchester has been incredible! I really do feel like
I'm coming home. I love this place and I love this people. Sunday was
like a dream come true to see everyone again!!
My companion is Sister Rodriguez from Texas, and we have SO MUCH fun
together! She is incredible and I learn so much from her everyday.
Sadly, she is going home at the end of this transfer, so we have a
goal to get a baptism before then. PRAY FOR US!!
I moved here on Wednesday and we have been working hard since the
moment I got here. We have found lots of new friends this week and we
are excited for them in the weeks to come.
One of them was a HUGE miracle. The sisters had met Thelma's mom,
Doris, on Monday before I got here, and had scheduled to go see her on
Saturday. When we got there, Doris wasn't home but Thelma was. We
talked to her on the doorstep for a while then she finally let us in.
We talked with her about hope through Jesus Christ and how we can find
so much truth in the Book of Mormon. We got to the end of our
discussion and she said "you know, I usually never open the door for
people like you, I don't know why I let you in." Then we were able to
bear testimony about how the Holy Ghost works and how God knows her
individually. It was powerful.
I'm sure there was lots more that happened this week, but I can't
remember them all right now. (Don't worry mom, I'm keeping a journal)
I'm so grateful to be able to serve back in Colchester! I must have
done something right for the Lord to put me back here. I'm so grateful
to be able to do his work in his way. We see so many miracles everyday
it's impossible to count them all. From having a bus be at the stop
right when we need it, to meeting people like Thelma, I know the
Lord's hand is in His work. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and if
you don't read it everyday then you're missin out!! Seriously, that
book has changed my life. I'm so grateful for all your love and
prayers. I love my Saviour more than I can say.
Peace out peeps.
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright ❤️

ps the subject of this email is our companionship name, ISNT IT THE
GREATEST?!? 👏🏼✌🏼️👌🏼

District meeting. L to R: Sister Rodriguez, me (obviously), Elder Rix, Elder Jensen, Elder Withers, Elder Botta, Sister Barnjak, Sister Guimaraes

classic name tag picture

We were walking and talking about charity (mostly how we need more of it) and saw a 3-legged cat and felt so much charity for it that we figured we should capture the moment...... We failed.
But we will always remember our friend. #TheCatThatTaughtUsCharity

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