Monday, August 1, 2016


Hello all!

Sorry about last weeks email. We were running super short on time and
had to run to a lesson. But as you know, I'm staying in Colchester
with Sister Matthews! WAHOO! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ we are so pumped!

There was lots of excitement this week, but it was basically all to do
with a few events. First of all, Fe got baptised!! Yay! She is
incredible! She bore a very strong testimony at her baptism, she even
mentioned serving a mission! She has so much faith and has sacrificed
so much to follow Christ and she never wavers in keeping the
commandments. She acts and talks like a member already. There are
great things for her to do in this kingdom and we are excited to see
what the Lord has in store for her. I definitely wasn't that
spiritually mature when I was 17!

Another exciting event was that Cameron Dixon, son of a family in the ward, came home from his mission this week! He gave his homecoming talk on Sunday and it was incredible to hear. I think homecomings are some of my favourite meetings because the spirit is so strong. The missionaries bear such a powerful testimony of Christ. I hope one day I will be able to bear a testimony like that.

We have been having fun finding this week and I have gotten even more awkward (I didn't even know what was possible. Miracles haven't ceased.) The other day we stopped the cutest Turkish girl and I can't even remember what I did that was so awkward but I followed it up with "well this is really awkward." We laughed for a while and ended up teaching her a whole lesson, praying with her, and hugging her before we left. I guess God uses us however he can.

We are seeing miracles everyday. And we are so grateful for your prayers. We know the Lord is with us as we do His work. I love hearing from each of you the difference Christ has made in your life each week. I know He lives. I know He loves us. I know He will strengthen us and comfort us and lift us.
May we all try a little harder to be a little better.

I love you all!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

ps I cut Sister Matthews fringe (bangs, for you Americans) this morning. That was interesting. They don't look terrible though. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Fe's baptism

Colchester Zone
being silly

Teaching & Preaching

P-Day Fotbol

Jack and his parents came back to visit his mission, he served in Colchester as well. They came the Sunday that Elder Dixon was giving his homecoming for his mission. It was fun to see him but a little weird.  He called me Abby but then corrected himself to Sister Wright. He brought a package from home. Thank you Darrington's for bringing some Love from America to me here in England.

Jack Darrington and his sweet parents visiting Colchester England.
Jack served here and they came back to visit.

Sunday dinners just like back home in Utah

Jack sent home a snapchat to my sisters... same old Jack!

A sweet Facebook surprise. A sweet member from Colchester sent me this picture of Sister Wright and Matthews. They fed them dinner Sunday night.

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