Tuesday, August 26, 2014


So transfers were this week! And guess what.....

IM MOVING TO NORWICH!!! yes!! the furthest area from London. I am kinda sad but happy at the same time. Sister Pope, as you know, is an incredible missionary and is now a SISTER TRAINING LEADER!!! WAHOO!!!!!! So cool right?!? As we say, she only trains champions. :) Norwich will be a whole new adventure, I dont know how to feel. I feel like I just barely got here. Sorry this is so short. I will tell you all about T's baptism next week and you can hear all about Norwich and Sister Martineu (my new comp)!! Love you all so so much! I dont know what I would do without you! The Lord loves you all and I hope that I will always be the missionary you would be proud to call yours.
Love always!
Sister Wright

*This is Abby's mom- Monday was a Bank Holiday in England so we didn't get our usual email from Abby. We waited all day on Tuesday. I finally emailed the sweet couple missionary serving in Watford to see if Abby could e-mial us.  This was the email she sent us.

"Like the amazing missionary that she is, she is handling the move just fine.  A bit surprised at how soon, but it shows how excellent and above the rest your daughter is.  Sorry to blow the news.  I'll let her tell you where.  It's the least I can do." Sister Johnson

 Since Abby didn't know she was being transferred and it all happened so quickly she wasn't able to upload any pictures this week. Luckily we have Brother and Sister Johnson in Watford they are so wonderful to send us pictures and insights into Abby's mission. This was a tender mercy we got from Sister Johnson- she sent this to me when she told me about Abby leaving Watford. We love her!!

Abby and Sister Pope and the YSA FHE (her last one in Watford)

Monday, August 18, 2014

just read these miracles...

Hey ya'll! 

Sorry its been so long since I sent a general email, haha I will try to be better but I love sending personal ones as well. Your personal ones will probably be a little shorter this week but I will try to type real fast! So this week has been so crazy! We had kind of a hard week, appointments just kept falling through and there was just a lot of really crazy random stuff where we had to change plans or we missed a train and didn't make it on time for a lesson, just all sorts of things. Since I got here we have been teaching a man named M, who is English and in his 60's, which is significant cause most older English men don't wanna learn about the gospel or even talk about religion. But we have been teaching him and he had a baptismal date for October... Which is a REALLY long time away. But that was the first day he felt like he could tell his 4 daughters that he was getting baptised. However, he is moving to another town towards the beginning of Sept. So we have been trying to push him a little to get him to talk to his daughters sooner but he just wouldn't budge. Then about two weeks ago he got really sick. He  couldn't come to church, he couldn't even leave his house. So he had no energy and started to lose his faith, we could tell he wasn't praying or reading the Book of Mormon as much as he was before or as much as he should have. But the beginning of this week we felt really strongly that we needed to help him understand that he needed to be baptised and he needed to do it now.

And most of you know I'm not a super bold person, I will stand up for whats right but I'm not just gonna go tell someone they are not doing things right and that they need to get baptised NOW. But somehow, (somehow meaning through the enabling power of the atonement) I was able to be very bold with M. We told him that he couldn't procrastinate this and I shared with him how he needed to do this now, and read him Alma 13:27. He wouldn't budge. He started to share with us concerns about how he needed to take care of material things like the move and getting his strength back before he could focus on the spiritual things and be baptised. But I told him the story of my senior year in high school, where I had a lot of worldly things to do, in fact so many worldly things that I got about 4 hours of sleep every night. And how badly I wanted to sleep in some mornings and not go to Seminary, or how I wanted to go to bed and not read my scriptures and say my prayers at 1:00 in the morning, but how much I could see a difference when I did do those things, and how the Lord helps us with the temporal things when we put him first. M really took that to heart and we invited him to pray about when he needed to be baptised, and even pray for a specific day he needed to be baptised on because we know as we ask the Lord specific questions we can recieve specific answers. 

We saw M again on Friday, we had been praying so hard, both individually and as a companionship for him to pray and to recieve the answer that he needed, and that that answer would be to be baptised before he moves. So, we met with him on Friday and he was just so happy. We had a member with us who had 2 daughters that rejected her when she joined the church, she shared her story and that really touched M, about halfway through the lesson he looks over and sister pope and me and says, "I want to be baptised on Sunday, is that ok??" IS THAT OK?!?! OF COURSE THAT'S OK!!! 

So M was baptised on Sunday, which we later found out was the exact day when his son who was 3 months old passed away about 30 years ago, we also found out that he had received the answer to be baptised on thursday night before he even met with us on Friday.

 I know that the Lord can perform miracles. I know that the Holy Ghost is the real teacher when it comes to missionary work, that we are just here as instruments and that we only say words that invite the spirit to teach. I am so thankful for hard times so that we learn how to cherish the good times. I know this church is true, it is Heavenly Fathers kingdom once again established on the earth and I am forever indebted to my Savior and to all of you for the opportunity I have to be a missionary. A lot of people say this is a sacrifice but the miracles I see and the blessing I receive prove to me that it is an opportunity of a lifetime. I am so grateful for the knowledge I can gain and the great works I can see while I am here. I love the Lord, I love this work, and most of all I love all of you!!!! 

Peace out girl scouts!!! ;) 
Sister Wright 

Abby, M, Brother Johnson and Sister Pope

Abby and Sister Pope

Look Clem... found "BIG TEDDY" 

"finally an England rain pour"

I can't believe its been 1 1/2 months!

I cant believe I have already been out a month and a half, I dont know about you but time flies for me! So I would explain a typical day but there really isnt one. Every day is so different and crazy! We are always running around and teaching people! We usually find as we go, so we talk to people walking to lessons and that is how we find new investigators. We wake up at 6:30 and sister pope was a pilates instructor so we either do pilates or run the stairs since we live on the 8th floor, then we get ready for an hour. At 8 we study and at 9 we have companionship study, and then at 10 we start teaching and most days we dont even have time for lunch or dinner, then we come back at 9, plan until 9:30 then collapse and start over again. As for the walking, when I first came I thought we did a lot. But now it feels normal. I couldnt tell you how many miles cause Im terrible at distance determination. However, you will be really proud of me! I walked an hour and a half in my yellow heels and my feet only hurt a little!!! plus I looked really cute so it was worth it! :) Yes I found a raincoat, its red and its cute!!

Anyway. I love you to the moon and back infinity times!!!
Your favorite daughter ;)
Sister Wright

Monday, August 11, 2014

Sorry my email is short... spend P-Day in LONDON!!!

Sorry this is so short, love you all and we were in london all day so this is all I have time for. Dad the James Bond museum was unreal!! Talk to you more next week! Sorry that this is short! Love you all!!! 

Abby on the London Bridge

Abby at London Bridge

Abby at Westminster Abbey!!
Big Ben

St. Paul's Cathedral
(where Prince Charles and Diana were married)

Abby with Big Ben and Eye of London behind her

Trafalgar Square

Big Ben and Eye of London

Buckingham Palace (flag was flying...Queen is in) and
Victoria Memorial

Admiralty Arch

Sister Pope by London Bridge

Abby at James Bond Museum

All the missionaries that went to London on P-Day
Heading back to Watford

Friday, August 8, 2014

"Extra Special Missionaries"

We were blessed again today with another Tender Mercy from a sweet sister missionary serving  where Abby is assigned- this is the email we got along with 5 wonderful pictures, a glimpse into the posh flat of Sister Wright. Happy Day for us!

We are the Senior Couple working with the YSA in the Watford Stake.  One of our extra duties is to inspect the missionaries apartment; that  is what we were doing today when I took the pictures.  We have had sons go on missions and so I know just having a peek at their living conditions comforts the heart.  :). They live on the top floor and I think Watford is a very safe community.  

Your daughter is the most awesome missionary.  People that teach with her say she has a special way of sharing her testimony and doesn't seem like a new missionary at all.  You can be very proud of her.  She and Sister Pope work very hard.  They have blessed the lives of many people with their caring nature and pleasant smiles.  

Feel free to communicate at any time.  I grew up near Manti but have lived in Boise, Idaho some 30 years.  We have been here just a year with only six months left.  It's going way too fast.
Best wishes, Sister Johnson

Monday, August 4, 2014

One week older and wiser too...

Hi mama!!
We have met with the prayer guy once but he didnt have much time so we are going to call him sometime this week and hopefully we can talk with him more! The flowers came from a cute little flower shop that we saw when we were walking to an appointment so we stopped and bought them! Our flat was so boring so we got them to make it a little more happy! I sent a picture to dropbox of the red phone booth!!!! There are none in watford but luckily we got to go into London for a new missionary meeting on Saturday. We didnt get to see any sights but we did take a picture by the phone booth and by that amazing hotel (that you will see in the pictures) 

Seeing your yearbook was so awesome!! haha i dont think I have ever seen a picture of you at that age but you were so cute!! Ha both you and Helena had on ties in your yearbook pictures so you must have been super in style! ;) We are going to do our London p-day next p-day cause in a little while sister pope has to go into the hospital for her finger appt. hahaha 

My first fast sunday was good! I have some blisters on my heels, which is a really inconvient place to have blisters, but it hurt so bad to walk, I tried to drain them on saturday night and they just killed, I could barely walk around our flat and I knew we had a lot of walking to do on Sunday so I prayed so hard just that I could be able to effectively do missionary work and that I could deal with the pain. Sunday was great, we walked everywhere and I was totally fine doing missionary work all day, but the moment we got back to the flat and I took my shoes off and my feet killed again. I knew that it was through the enabling power of the atonement that I could walk around all day. And I knew that the lord helped me deal with that pain when I needed to have help, doing his work. I know again that the power of prayer is real and that the power of fasting is real! 

 We are practicing our accents and the english people say that I am actually good!! haha cool right? Wanna know the sadest thing ever?? THE PICKLES HERE ARE GROSS!!!! :( :( its really depressing actually. Well, I gotta go. We will hopefully have time to email later. We are going to sing... cause I am learning how to sing and we might actually do a quartet in sacrament meeting!! ahhhhh!! so cool huh?? 


Watford England Sunsets

this picture is for you Pop

Saturday August 2, Missionary Training in London

These shoes were made for walking ALL over England

DAD... look what I found!!

so true!

 I love you so much, to moon and back infinity times!! xoxo-cheers darling!
Sister Wright