Tuesday, August 26, 2014


So transfers were this week! And guess what.....

IM MOVING TO NORWICH!!! yes!! the furthest area from London. I am kinda sad but happy at the same time. Sister Pope, as you know, is an incredible missionary and is now a SISTER TRAINING LEADER!!! WAHOO!!!!!! So cool right?!? As we say, she only trains champions. :) Norwich will be a whole new adventure, I dont know how to feel. I feel like I just barely got here. Sorry this is so short. I will tell you all about T's baptism next week and you can hear all about Norwich and Sister Martineu (my new comp)!! Love you all so so much! I dont know what I would do without you! The Lord loves you all and I hope that I will always be the missionary you would be proud to call yours.
Love always!
Sister Wright

*This is Abby's mom- Monday was a Bank Holiday in England so we didn't get our usual email from Abby. We waited all day on Tuesday. I finally emailed the sweet couple missionary serving in Watford to see if Abby could e-mial us.  This was the email she sent us.

"Like the amazing missionary that she is, she is handling the move just fine.  A bit surprised at how soon, but it shows how excellent and above the rest your daughter is.  Sorry to blow the news.  I'll let her tell you where.  It's the least I can do." Sister Johnson

 Since Abby didn't know she was being transferred and it all happened so quickly she wasn't able to upload any pictures this week. Luckily we have Brother and Sister Johnson in Watford they are so wonderful to send us pictures and insights into Abby's mission. This was a tender mercy we got from Sister Johnson- she sent this to me when she told me about Abby leaving Watford. We love her!!

Abby and Sister Pope and the YSA FHE (her last one in Watford)

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