Monday, August 4, 2014

One week older and wiser too...

Hi mama!!
We have met with the prayer guy once but he didnt have much time so we are going to call him sometime this week and hopefully we can talk with him more! The flowers came from a cute little flower shop that we saw when we were walking to an appointment so we stopped and bought them! Our flat was so boring so we got them to make it a little more happy! I sent a picture to dropbox of the red phone booth!!!! There are none in watford but luckily we got to go into London for a new missionary meeting on Saturday. We didnt get to see any sights but we did take a picture by the phone booth and by that amazing hotel (that you will see in the pictures) 

Seeing your yearbook was so awesome!! haha i dont think I have ever seen a picture of you at that age but you were so cute!! Ha both you and Helena had on ties in your yearbook pictures so you must have been super in style! ;) We are going to do our London p-day next p-day cause in a little while sister pope has to go into the hospital for her finger appt. hahaha 

My first fast sunday was good! I have some blisters on my heels, which is a really inconvient place to have blisters, but it hurt so bad to walk, I tried to drain them on saturday night and they just killed, I could barely walk around our flat and I knew we had a lot of walking to do on Sunday so I prayed so hard just that I could be able to effectively do missionary work and that I could deal with the pain. Sunday was great, we walked everywhere and I was totally fine doing missionary work all day, but the moment we got back to the flat and I took my shoes off and my feet killed again. I knew that it was through the enabling power of the atonement that I could walk around all day. And I knew that the lord helped me deal with that pain when I needed to have help, doing his work. I know again that the power of prayer is real and that the power of fasting is real! 

 We are practicing our accents and the english people say that I am actually good!! haha cool right? Wanna know the sadest thing ever?? THE PICKLES HERE ARE GROSS!!!! :( :( its really depressing actually. Well, I gotta go. We will hopefully have time to email later. We are going to sing... cause I am learning how to sing and we might actually do a quartet in sacrament meeting!! ahhhhh!! so cool huh?? 


Watford England Sunsets

this picture is for you Pop

Saturday August 2, Missionary Training in London

These shoes were made for walking ALL over England

DAD... look what I found!!

so true!

 I love you so much, to moon and back infinity times!! xoxo-cheers darling!
Sister Wright

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