Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tender Mercy #3 or 4... there are so many!

This is Kathy, Abby's mom for this post. I am so blessed to have met via facebook and become friends with Sister Helena Stanbury. There is an amazing story that goes along with us meeting. Thirty years ago in 1983, she was an exchange student and stayed with a family from Providence (where I grew up.) She went to Mountain Crest High School her senior year and graduated in 1984.

She went back, got married and is now living in Watford, England and mother to a daughter who is serving in Australia and son who will be leaving in October. Forward 30 years and Abby is now assigned and serving in Watford, England. She meets Sister Stanbury on her first Sunday in Watford and went to her house for dinner. They got talking and made the connection that Abby had also graduated from the same high school, which is also the same high school I graduated from.

Abby and Sister Pope went to Sister Stanbury's house for dinner on Wednesday, July 30th. After dinner Helena thought it would be fun to let Abby look at her/my yearbook. It was the only time I was glad I wasn't there to hear all the laughing!!

Later after the missionaries left she sent me this picture of Abby looking at the yearbook. I am on the top row on the right page. Abby looks happy. I wonder if its because they just spent who knows how long laughing at old yearbook pictures.

I am thankful daily for tender mercy's that remind me that Heavenly Father knows us and loves us and wants the best for us.

I never would have thought Abby would have met someone that had graduated from the same high school thirty years ago, and someone who will take pictures for me and let me know how she is doing and best of all give her extra HUGS from home!! I love you Helena for loving my daughter.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! You never know what kind of connections you can make. Thanks for having this blog Kathy!
