Just a quick follow up on the sweet family we met while Abby was in line checking in her suitcase. Later in the afternoon while we were at D'd's house I got a text from a number I didn't recognize. I opened it and this is what I saw!!
The text read-
"She made it safe and sound to Chicago! My husband helped your daughter and 3 Elders along with a missionary couple past security and onto a shuttle and helped them get to the international terminal. They are waiting for the flight to Manchester"
What a tender mercy! It helped my aching heart feel a little better.
A couple of minutes later I got a call from Chicago!! I answered and heard Abby's sweet voice on the other end of the line. She told me the same story about the lady helping her and her husband getting them situated in the international terminal. She said she was doing great and had eaten lunch with the elders. She asked me to mail a couple of things she forgot, then she talked to Blake, Sophie and Livy (which helped heal two sisters' broken hearts.) I told her I had just realized that today, July 2nd, didn't even count toward her mission because she reports to the England MTC on the 3rd. She just laughed and said #dayhalf... she is so funny!
We LOVE her so much!! Hurry 18 months!
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