Thursday, July 10, 2014

Officially one week!!

So today, there are so many missionaries to email before we go to the store so we are on laptops, however, in gmail the keyboard doubles all the letters we type, ya we dont know why but it does so I'm typing this on notepad and then copy and pasting it to the email so if it ends up looking super funny when you read it thats why! This week has been amazing! Holy cow there is so much to tell you I don't even know where to start. We got here and got our companions, mine is Sister S. She is from sweden, but her mom is from chile so she has dark hair and darker skin, not what you think of when you think of sweddish people! ha so I love her so much!

She doesnt talk a lot in our lessons, but we are working on that! She is so funny and says some english words really funny but lets us make fun of her and makes fun of herself so it keeps in entertaining! I'm rooming with 5 other sisters, Its me and my companion, Sister K from St. George/Chorley(UK) she has moved back and forth, and her companion Sister M from Denmark who is going back to Denmark for her mission speaking Danish. Sister K is going to London South. THe other two sisters are sister W from ALpine who is going to London South and Sister M from Tennessee who is a convert and going to my mission!! wahooo!! oh i forgot to say that my companion is serving back in sweden speaking swedish. So ya thats all of us! Basically I have never laughed so hard in my life they are all so so fun! My distric is also super awesome! there is my and my companion then 6 other elders. Elders J, F, C, B, D, and C.  D is the one i flew with who was really quiet but turns our he is hilarious. Everything that comes out of his mouth either teaches me something so deep or makes me laugh so hard i pee my pants! ha Elder C is from Holland and he is also a convert. His story is so cool, he used to transport drugs and other illegal stuff and he got caught once and prayed to god and told him that if he helped him out of the situation he would give his life to him, they let him go he met the missionaries, and well, you get the rest. Elder C turns out went to Utah State and played football there so he is good friends with Tyler Weese, we played against each other in instramurals, sat kinda by each other at basketball games, but never met each other! haha how funny is that?? So basically all we do all day is learn and study, but its awesome!! You dont think you would get tired, but the most relaxing thing we do is exeercise haha we usually play soccer, or excuse me futbol. they make fun of us americans when we say soccer ha basically everyone plays together and its so fun!! Its not supposed to get competitive but you know, I cant really help it so i kinda have to show some of the elders up sometimes ;) But it is so so fun!! Um my companions first language is swedish so I help her with english and she teaches me sweddish! so far I can say i have to pee, wheelchair, tunafish, so we are making real progress!! haha I miss all you guys so much but im so focus on the work and studying and learning how to teach better that i dont get homesick all that much. So obviously today is p-day we get to go to the store and go to the temple and email! Wahoo!! they provide laundry and soap so we can do that whenever but we ended up doing most of it this morining. I thought waking up early would be the hardest part, but now it seems normal since i finally got over the jet lag. ha i dont even know what sleeping in feels like here! It is gorgeous, you have no idea. Green is an understatement, like this is the most beautiful place on earth. It has actually been pretty sunny here lately, by sunny i mean its rained all but one day. BUt the rain doesnt usually last all day, it is either in the morning or in the evening. I actually really love it! and the temple is so pretty!! Mom, to answer your questions, we dont really have time to do our hair, so usually all of the sisters here wear theirs air dryed. They only give us a half hour to shower and get ready, which is fine for the elders but we always end up going to class or lunch with wet hair since we get ready after we exercise. However, the sister that has lived here and in Utah has a straightener and I used that this morning so I feel super fancy!! haha ya, just cause my hair is straight. Apparently missions do change you! But when we go to the store I am gonna buy a blow dryer, straightener and curling iron. Hopefully my card works cause if not thats gonna be a real problem!! My favorite part about the MTC is how much I have learned. Not only from the spirit and studying but also from the other sisters and elders. I know for a fact we are all here together for a reason and I wouldnt wanna be anywhere else. you guys seem so sad in all your emails but there is no reason to be sad!! Im working hard, im happy, and we are all getting blessings!! :) plus ill see you guys super super soon, like 17 months and 2 weeks!! hahaha Well I think thats all for this week! oh also we leave the MTC next wednesday, so ya, thats a week from today. Oh and I almost forgot, when I came to the MTC it was the weirdest thing, there was already a package here for me!! haha thank you all so much! the only time I have cried was when I read those letters. They meant so so much for me and I am so thankful for all of you that wrote one. It means so much.  Thanks again for the letters and the emails! I will write personal ones and send pictures when we get back from the store! love you all!!

Peace out, girl scouts,
Sister Wright

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