Monday, September 1, 2014

What a week! (1st week in Norwich)

Hi mommy :)
 So about the baptism last week, his name was T. We actually found him in my second week and he was so ready for the gospel. We taught him the word of wisdom and just like that he was like ok I wont drink or smoke anymore. So ya, that was easy!! Long story short, we baptised him right before I left and Im so sad that I cant still be there because him mom came to his baptism and to church the next sunday and we had an appointment set up to meet with her but I never got to :( Hopefully Sister Pope will baptise her :) Norwich is, well, a lot different than Watford. I love big cities so being so close to London was incredible. There is a lot more country side up here and A LOT MORE ENGLISH PEOPLE!! London is a melting pot so there really weren't a ton of English people.. but don't worry, I found them all.. They are up here! I do love it though!! :) It is so beautiful and to be honest, I can do missionary work anywhere so I just love being in England!!! Watford also had a lot more young people and young families which I loved but there are mostly old people up here, they are cute too though :) I love being a missionary!!!!!! So you know how you always got mad at me for not saying hi to people in the halls when I saw them or things like that? Well don't you worry one bit. I say hi to everyone, and I can carry on a conversation whether the person actually wants to talk to me or not! That is something I learned from Sister Pope! Most missionaries, especially Sister missionaries hate finding (meaning talking to people on the street) and being bold. But as I was on the train to Norwich I realized that two things I learned from Sister Pope were that 1. Finding is the funnest thing EVER! and 2. Being bold is just how you do missionary work and those two things have really really helped me! Having Sister Pope as my trainer really has changed my mission and I don't know how I would be if I hadn't started out with her, please make sure to tell her mom thanks for me! But Norwich is wonderful and Sister Martineau is FABULOUS!! haha she is from California and ran cross country in high school and also did a marathon before she came on a mission, so cool right?? I was like wow girl, you win! haha we run every morning!! She is very very sweet and kind, she is always thinking of others and is so great with all the older people in the ward! They love her so much! We also have gone tracting a lot, which we NEVER ONCE did in Watford! I cant decide how I feel about it yet so I will get back to you on that. Right now we are teaching the cutest guy named P. He has some sort of mental handicap but he is definitely accountable and is so nice. He has to stop smoking though and that is a little bit of a problem. He smokes more than 20 a day currently. AHHH!! Cool story though, we wanted to put him on date (for baptism) but we didn't have time to after church on Sunday. After church on Sunday we had to go up to North Walsham to a little sacrament meeting they have there once a month in a home for some eldery people who cant make it down to Norwich. So we rode with our Zone Leaders, Elder J (Boise,ID) and Elder N (Manchester,UK) there and we called P on the way back. Sister Martineau was talking to him for a while and he just didn't know for sure and he wanted to do it Joseph Smith style, meaning that he wants to go to all the other churches first. Sister Martineau did really really well at calming his fears and he said he might be ready to be baptised by January. then he wanted to talk to me, so I got on the phone and talked to him for a bit and said again that he wanted to do it Joseph Smith style but I was like, paul, listen, Joseph Smith had to go to lots of different churches because there wasn't a true one around. You just said you know this is true so why would you want to go to other churches and he was like ya good point. So I was like Paul I know you have the faith to stop smoking and we also have the faith that you can. and this is something you need to do because you know it is true so will you prepare to be baptised on October 4? and he agreed!!! The Zone Leaders were like wow we are really impressed! I was so happy, and probably a little bit prideful but I know without the Lords help I wouldn't have been able to do that! haha sometimes I think that I am the Dennis and Sister Martineau is the Suzi, except im very loving when Im bold haha! So don't take that the wrong way, I just push people because just like Elder Bednar I think it was said in a talk that a truck can sit there with its wheels spinning and spinning but until they put pressure on the back it didn't move anywhere. In order to get people to change you have to help them understand that they need to do so.
Also, I got new scriptures. Sister Martineau talked me into getting a smaller set because the other ones just kill your back and shoulders to carry around all day. So I got little ones! I Will still study from my big ones but take the others to teach so my bag isn't as heavy! I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing but I am not homesick at all! I think about you guys all the time and I miss you but this is where I need to be and this is what I need to be doing and so I don't wish I was home, this is my home for the next year and 4 months! :) and momma you have to come back here to see it! It is incredible! You would love it!!!! Sorry I haven't taken any pictures this week.. im so embarrassed. I have just been so busy with everything! But we are going to the Norwich castle after this so you will get some of that next week! I love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful week!  Thank you for the quotes, they make my week every week! Don't ever stop sending them! I love Norwich and I love Sister Martineau!
I love you to the moon and back infinity times!!!!!
Your favorite missionary,
Sister Wright

Also, don't send American chocolate in the package. Its absolute rubbish. Im officially a chocolate snob.  :) LOVES!!

Abby and Sister Pope along with the Elders sang at the baptism

Abby, Sister Pope, "T", his mother, Watford YSA ward members

Abby, Sister Pope "T" and his mother.

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