Monday, September 29, 2014

Doing the WORK! Norwich week 5

Wow is has been a crazy week!! So first off, your questions. My week was absolutely amazing!! You will soon hear why. Zone Conference was awesome! We learned about the Book of Mormon and how to better use it in teaching. It was really useful and I learned so much! Zone Conference is where 2 or 3 zones meet together and President and Sister Jordan and the Assistants come and give us trainings and we eat lunch together and do fun activities! ha We have them every other transfer, the transfers without Zone Conferences we have interviews with President so our whole Zone will meet together and President Interviews us one by one and while he does that Sister Jordan and the Assistants give trainings. I loved Zone Conference and seeing all the other missionaries! I met Elder Wright-he's black so we aren't related.. haha ;) but he was way cool and we took pictures together with our tags! I also got to see Sister McNamee from the MTC!!!!! IT WAS THE BEST! I have missed her so much and I know she is one of those people I will be friends with forever! We are going to start praying that sometime in the next year and a half we will be companions! ha :) Also, I was talking to one of the Assistants, Elder Torres, and I don't know if I ever told you guys about E from Watford, the Ghanaian that was so close to baptism but would never do anything because everyone from Ghana doesn't understand commitment. He had even had his baptismal interview and then didn't show up to church the week before his baptism cause he missed a bus so he couldn't be baptised, long story short it was extremely frustrating, but Elder Torres told me that he is getting baptised!! Like for real!! Like he called the Sisters there and is coming to church on his own and reading on his own and wow!! I about fell over when I heard I was so excited!! He was excited as well cause he served in Watford a transfer or two before I got there!!! I just couldn't believe it! God is a God of miracles! Next question, the whole mission doesn't meet together unless we have a mission conference, which only happens if a General Authority comes.. So there isn't one in the near future. Like stated earlier, I had an interview with President last transfer and I will have one again next transfer. Also, at Zone Conference I got two of the greatest things ever. The first, a HUGE hug from Sister Jordan who smiled at me and said, "That is from your mom" I was so happy!!! Then we were talking later and she said, " Oh and your mom says to tell you that she loves you to the moon and back infinity times!!" Ahhh momma thank you so much!! That made my whole day! Sister Jordan is doing a good job at filling in since you cant be here! I love her so much!!! :) But don't worry, she isn't doing as good as you did and I still miss you lots! We teach lots of people every day, and a list of names is boring so I will tell you a couple miracles that happened this week. First of all, the lady that drives us to church every week is named Anne Murray, she is about 36 and joined the church 20 years ago and has served a mission. Her mom however, has never been baptised and didn't really want anything to do with the church but we have been asking Sister Murray about her every week. A couple weeks ago she said that her mom had mentioned that she had read a little of the Book of Mormon and we were shocked! We asked Sister Murray to ask her mum if we could stop by sometime but Sister Murray didn't do it. Then, Friday morning we got a call... It was Sister Murray saying that her mom had phoned her that morning and said she wanted to come to church and asked if she would need to meet with the Sisters (us) before she could be baptised!!!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! cool right?!? So Sister Murray was like ya mum you need to meet with the missionaries and her mum was like well invite them over tonight and I will cook for them and they can teach me!!! So we of course moved our plans around and went over to Geraldines house that night!! She accepted everything we taught and when we asked if she had any questions she responded with, "When can you come back next?" WOW!!! She is on date to be baptised October 25th but it might even be sooner! Another thing, as you know our mission has a goal to get 50 baptisms this month.. We were driving with the Zone Leaders last night to have dinner at the Ward Mission leaders home and they got a call from the Assistants saying that we are currently sitting at 48 and if there is anyone who is ready to be baptised and can then we should do it! Well Elder Nolan looks at us and says, "Sisters, is M ready to be baptised?" And long story short we said yes and he is getting baptised tomorrow night!!! We have a lot of planning to do today and Sister Martineau was a little hesitant at first but we both know he is ready and me being a very goal driven person was ready to make it happen so that is what we are currently doing today!! haha also shopping and emailing you but also planning a ninja baptism! Also this last week there was the ward talent show!! Sister Martineau managed to learn cotton-eyed joe in like 4 days!!! She is just the greatest! So we performed that then I did a little single thing then Elder Mortinsen came out and we turned pop-ups while Sister Martineau jumped and then I went in a did a frog then I taught Elder Mortinsen to do push-us and crabs so he did some of those!! It was awesome! The ward loved it! Especially the little kids!! :) Who knew jump rope would make me such a popular missionary!!! ha So next question, we will listen to the womens conference on Saturday from 1pm-3pm then watch the Saturday morning session live from 5pm-7pm then on Sunday we watch Saturday afternoon from 1pm-3pm then Sunday morning live from 5pm-7pm and as for Sunday afternoon we just wait for the Ensign! ha and we watch it at the church in case non members show up and so that our investigators can come. Next transfers are next week!! Good thing you asked that or I would have forgotten, we will be emailing Tuesday next week instead of Monday because it will be calls day on Monday, p-day Tuesday, and moves day Wednesday. My predictions are that I will stay, Sister Martineau will go. Also that Elder Nolan (one of our Zone Leaders) will go but his companion Elder Johnson will stay. And Elder Mortinsen(District Leader) will go, but his companion Elder Brunstad will stay and maybe be our new District Leader. So those are my guesses and we will see what happens next week! I cant believe I have already been out two transfers!! WOW!! Other than the Castle we haven't done much on p-days except that we go into Cath Kidston EVERY WEEK to look around! Don't worry, I don't buy things every week. And I have been a lot better at spending money this transfer. I had to buy some medicine and tights but everything else that has been purchased is part of your Christmas presents!! :) Im so excited to send them!! Also, with the package, if it wont get here by today or early tomorrow then I wont get it for about another month. So I really hope it was sent so that it gets here today... cause I really need that hair stuff and I want to see that skirt! But if not, patience is a Christlike Attribute so I will live! :) haha I think that is all of the questions and all there is about this week! It has been pretty eventful! I am so thankful to all of you that allow me to be here in this brilliant country serving the Lord. I love this England and I love this work. I know that the Lord is shaping me into the person he wants me to be and I am so thankful for that! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!
I love you to the moon and back infinity times!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright 

*This is Abby's testimony she wrote in her letter to Sophie.

I want you to know that I know that Heavenly Father loves us. He knows you and He knows me. He knows our wants and our needs and even our mistakes and He loves us more than we can ever imagine. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. It was written by prophets that really lived. These people were real, they aren't just characters in a story, they were real, and we can learn so much from them. I know that the Book of Mormon is proof that Joseph Smith was a prophet. That he was called before any of us came to earth to do such a great work. I love studying more about him and the revelations he received from the Lord more about the true church of Jesus Christ. This church is real. It is true. It is Gods Kingdom on the Earth and I am so lucky that I get to serve the Lord and help him progress the work and to help our brothers and sisters grow closer to him.

Abby and Sister Jacobsmeyer on splits

Abby in Norwich

Abby and Sister Jacobsmeyer at Zone Conference

Sister WRIGHT and Elder WRIGHT

Abby and Sister Martineau

Abby with Sister from the England MTC
Sister McNamee

*This is Kathy I wanted to post a wonderful email I received from Abby's first companion. I sent Sister Pope and email and told her how grateful our family was for her training Abby and this was her response.

Hi Kathy!!
Oh my goodness I cannot even tell you how much I LOVED serving with Sister Wright! We are always going to be the best of friends, and I am so excited to meet your family!! 
It was so hard for us to leave, but I hear she is doing wonderful things up in north!! I hope your family is doing well! Tell the girls I said hello :)
Thank you so much for your incredible daughter! She was such a blessing, and we will always treasure the chance we had to serve together.
Love you!! 

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