Monday, July 11, 2016

Morning football & sunshine ⚽️☀️


I hope you all are doing well. We definitely are! ☺️ I considered writing an emoji story for this weeks email... But then I realised that some of you probably wouldn't be able to view the emojis so I changed my mind. Sorry. One day I'll come up with a way to make these more exciting.
This week has been pretty normal, so this might be short.
Update on Fe: she is doing phenomenal!! She loves the gospel and is willing to do anything, ANYTHING to follow Christ. The faith in that 17 year old girl blows my mind. We met with her a couple times this week and then she came to the ward camp win us on Friday. (We obviously didn't sleep on the beach with the rest of the ward, we just went for the campfire on Friday evening)

Sister Matthews, Fe and Sister Wright

Sadly she wasn't able to make it to church because she got really sick Sunday morning. But we will see her this week. Keep her in your prayers!

Tuesday we had an exchange with the Gorelston sisters, Sister Tavares and Sister Batjargal. Mom, you're definitely going to hurt me for this, but we forgot to take a picture. 🙈 So sorry!! They are great though! I was with Sister Tavares. She is 28 and is the only member in her family. I learned a lot from her!! I meet all these sisters who have come out here with little to no support from home and I really don't know how they do it. I couldn't do this without each of you! I guesS it's just more proof that the atonement is real!

Friday we had zone meeting in Ipswich. I always love getting together with other missionaries and seeing their faith and strength. I realised this week how much I learn from the people around me. I know that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.

Oh and I guess I should give you some info on the subject line... ITS FINALLY ALMOST WARM HERE IN THE SUMMER OF ENGLAND. Like almost all week I didn't have the thought, "I'm freezing" so hey maybe summer does exist.

We also decided we needed to get creative with our morning exercise cause we were getting bored. So we have started running to a park that is between our flat and the elders and playing football with them every morning. It's usually just two on two, but when we both have exchanges it gets a little more fun ☺️

Well I love you all! I am so lucky to be able to be doing the most valuable work in the world. I love this job. I would do it for the rest of my life if I could. I know the gospel is true. I know God lives. HE LOVES YOU AND ME! Today we read the parable of the lost sheep, I was reading the institute manual and I just want to share a quote with each of you that I love! 

“The lost sheep are not just the people who don’t come to church. … The lost sheep is a mother who goes down into the valley of the dark shadows to bring forth children. The lost sheep is a young person, far away from home and faced with loneliness and temptation. The lost sheep is a person who has just lost a critically needed job; a business person in financial distress; a new missionary in a foreign culture; a man just called to be bishop; a married couple who are misunderstanding each other; a grandmother whose children are forgetting her. I am the lost sheep. You are the lost sheep. ‘All we like sheep have gone astray.’ (Isaiah 53:6; emphasis added.)

“The times of feeling lost are not always times when we have wandered from the straight and narrow path. Not at all. We may be precisely where the Lord would have us be." (Bruce C Hafen) 

We are all lost sheep, and how eternally lost we would be without the Saviour and His atonement. 

Love you peeps!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright 

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