Monday, April 11, 2016

Always in Canterbury.

Hello everyone!!!

This week has been somewhat uneventful, so this might be short. However, we are doing great!! Sister Cardoso is settling in and we have just gotten right to work!
We have SO MUCH fun together! I love her so much and she is hilarious!!

We found a couple new friends this week, Elle and Alex, and we are excited to see them next week! We also got a little creative in our reactivation work, there is a girl here named Clarice who is less active, but her parents are super active and great! We go to their home for dinner but Clarice always runs away when we start to give a lesson or anything like that. She is also going to college for hairdressing, so Sister Cardoso and I came up with the perfect solution! If she dyed my hair, she would HAVE to sit and listen to us 😏😂 so I took one for the team. But she definitely felt the spirit and it was all worth it! Side note to that story: we started doing my hair a little later than planned because both of us were running late, so I had to come home with the foils still in. That was interesting!

I guess I should also explain the subject line of this email. We went to Canterbury last monday for p-day, awesome as always except they wouldn't let us in the cathedral 😔 then we were back there on Friday for Zone Meeting, then AGAIN on Saturday because Kizzy came with us to a baptism they were having there!

And the best news of the whole week: KIZZY IS GETTING BAPTISED NEXT SATURDAY!!! Keep her in your prayers and I will tell you the story of her baptism next week!

I love you all so much! This week I'm especially grateful for the Book or Mormon! We can change so much as we take what we learn  and apply it into our lives. Isn't that exciting?! I love this gospel, I love this work, I love my Saviour!!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

On the island this week for a blitz!Had to take model pictures.

Told you I came home with foils
Zone Meeting Canterbury

Elder Cook (from Heber) was a little nervous for me to cut his hair...
Don't worry it turned out smashing!! ☺️

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