Monday, April 4, 2016

IM A MUM! ❤️

Hello my peeps!!

I love you all so much! WASN'T CONFERENCE AMAZING?! I learned so much!! I'm so grateful that even though I'm all the way across the pond, I can still hear the prophets and apostles and receive guidance and direction through the spirit. I can't wait to study each talk so I can learn more! We all LOVED Elder Stevenson's talk about keys, and we decided this week as we go finding we are going to ask people about their keys, to their cars and their homes, and then relate it to how important it is that we have the priesthood keys restored to the earth!

As you all know, I got my trainee this week and you guys she is AMAZING! Like so amazing it's not even funny. Her name is Sister Cardoso and she is from Brazil. She has never  taken an English class and was only in the MTC for 3 weeks but speaks so well!! The spirit is so strong when she teaches and she has so much knowledge. She is so excited to serve the Lord and is so diligent! I'm pretty sure President sent her here to train me! We have so much fun together!

When we went to get them we met at St Pancras station like normal transfers, then Sister Johannes (aka Jopanna) and I rode the tubes to South Kensington. We were having the trainers meeting and eating lunch like normal, assuming we would be waiting for them for about another hour or two hours when the Assistants, Elder Williams and Elder Chronister, ran into the cultural hall shouting "THEY'RE HERE" we got shuffled out the back door and hid in a stairwell for about 15 minutes while they all came in until we could go out into another room while they had their new missionary meeting. 😂 it was classic.

We have been so busy since Wednesday! Running everywhere and teaching everyone and flip it's crazy! We are working really closely with Kizzy right now. She is seriously my favourite person! I have never bonded this much with an investigator ever. She isn't just someone I'm teaching, or even another child of God, she is my friend. I know I'm here for a reason, and if she is the only reason, then so be it! She teaches me a lot and I hope I teach her the same! I have a feeling we will be friends for a LONG TIME ☺️

Well, I should end this before it turns into a book. I love you all so much! I know without a doubt that the prophets and apostles are called of God and hold all the keys necessary for us to receive the ordinances that enable us to walk back into the presence of our Heavenly Father. This gospel is the only thing that can bring real hope and peace into our lives. I know the Saviour lives. He loves me and He loves each of you. He stands by us everyday as we face the crazy things life throws at us. The Book of Mormon literally teaches us EVERYTHING and I have especially seen that this week.

Love you all lots!!
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wight

Selfie with President Stevens/ our babies/ some other Elders


My daughter Sister Cardoso

Hiding from greenies!

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