Monday, April 18, 2016


Hello my people!!

So this week has been SO AWESOME!!

 To start out, Kizzy got baptised! WAHOOOO!!!
Fun fact: Kizzy is vegan.
So we (Kizzy, Sister Cardoso, a member named Tracy, and I) made vegan
food on Friday for her baptism on Saturday! That stuff is so good... I
told her I would consider going vegan it I wasn't on my mission. Then
I remembered milk... And I think I've overcome my desire to go vegan.
My mom did always say I would make a good vegetarian though.
Her baptism was perfect! Lots of people were there, the water was
warm, she went all the way under the first time, it really couldn't
have gone better! Elder Stoor, one of the Elders from the Gillingham
1st ward, baptised her. She is now preparing to go to the temple and
is so excited to learn more about the gospel and the Book of Mormon.
She just texted us last night telling us how much she loves 2 Nephi 2.
Man she is so good!! I firmly believe her and I will be friends
Then we had another miracle on Friday. These people called us one
night early in the week at 1:00am. It woke me up, I didn't recognise
the number and didn't answer it of course, and just went back to bed.
Then the next day the same number texted us and said they wanted to
meet us, we were kind of scared to be honest but decided we would go
meet with them. We went with Brother Mannouch (ward mission leader) on
Friday. It was Chas, his sister Rebecca, and her partner Tom. They
were so sincere and so excited to learn about the Book of Mormon! We
even put Tom and Rebecca on date to be baptised on May 28th! The Lord
is definitely in the details of this work and we couldn't do it
without him!!
Sorry this is short, we are going to go golfing for one of the Elders
birthdays! Haha it should be interesting.
I love this work, I love the Lord, and I love all of you. I'm
especially grateful for how blessed we are to have temples on the
earth. I know without them and the work that goes on within them, we
wouldn't be able to return to live with Heavenly Father. Will you all
please go once for me? I miss it so much.

YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME! Thank you for your prayers and the love and
support we feel from you.

Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Sister Cardoso, Wright and Kizzy

A Coke and a SMILE

Always learning

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