Monday, April 25, 2016

Ice cream, Exchanges, and the Sikh Temple


This week has been good! It has been crazy and I have definitely learned a lot.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we had to arrange for blessings for two
different people. The first was for Kizzy, she recently had family
struggles because they aren't super happy with her decision to be
baptised. She got asked to leave the place she was living because of
those family struggles. So the Elders from G1 came to give her one.
They also met us on Wednesday morning to give a Less Active member's
son's girlfriend (sorry that was confusing) a blessing because she is
having medical troubles with her baby (that is still in her belly). I
had a testimony and knowledge of the priesthood before, but recently
having to rely on the Elders has strengthened that testimony so much.
I know that the priesthood has been restored and that through it we
can receive blessings directly from God. And that because of a prophet
we have the keys on the earth which gives us the authority to use that

On Friday, we were in Illord on exchange! I spent the day with Sister
Ranck. We saw lots of Less Actives and talked to some crazy people. As
you do. I learned so much about how I can become a better missionary
and that no matter what there are things we can do to have the spirit
with us more powerfully. Also, I cut her hair. It went fairly well.
Maybe I should just go to beauty school when I get home?? 😉

Saturday we came home and we had a pretty busy day but had found no
new investigators for the week. We were having a competition with the
G1 elders (Elder Cook and Elder Stoor) of who could find the could
find the most investigators that day. The winner got ice cream, so
anyone who knows me knew that I couldn't lose. Like there was no
chance of us losing. So we found a couple new people to teach, but the
coolest guy was named Trian. And he is a miracle!! He is older and
from Romania, he speaks only a little English. However, he speaks
Italian, French, Spanish, and Romanian. So he can understand a lot
when Sister Cardoso speaks in Portugese! HOW COOL IS THAT? He came to
church with us the next morning and we are meeting up with him
tomorrow. ☺️

Today, we got the ice cream that the Elders owed us. 😏 and we went to
a Sikh Templein Gravesend!! It was beautiful!

Anyway, love you all so much! I love this work, I love the Saviour,
and I love this gospel! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be able
to serve full time.
Til next week,
Your favourite missionary,
Sister Wright

Gillingham 2 with Elder and Sister Tuttle

Cutting Sister Ranck's hair

visiting the Sikh Temple

Sister Cardoso

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